Discussion Board
Do you have a question you'd like answered about Equipment, Insurance, Practice Management, Financial/Accounting, Clinical, Business, or other General question relating to the practice of dentistry?
Post it on our Facebook page here
Facebook Guidelines for Use
May be used for the following:
- Announcements
- Events
- Evites
- Product description, information and updates
- Service description, information and updates
- Instructional videos
- Questions and Answers between SCDS Members and Reps
- Charitable Cause announcements
May NOT be used for the following:
- Product pricing and discounts. Contact the SCDS office for advertising in print & on website.
- Any content unrelated to the product or service represented by the corporation.
- Solicitation for monetary charitable donations
- Personal discussions unrelated to the Healthcare field and its events.
- Political lobbying efforts and related monetary solicitations.
PLEASE NOTE: The page will be viewable to the public, but addition of content is provided only to SCDS members and SCDS partners. Snohomish County Dental Society reserves the right to delete any post it identifies as inappropriate for the intended use of these forums.